Short Adductor Stretch
Don’t forget the adductors! Calf muscles, glutes, quads. They all get a great deal of attention in cycling and with good reason. As the...
Cycling - Tingling fingers
Does your pinky finger and ring finger start to tingle when you ride your bike? This can be a sign of Ulnar nerve pressure and tension...
The ABC's of the ITB
Iliotibial band syndrome ITBS The iliotibial band ITB is the long ligament that runs from the hip to the knee, it is designed to help...
Great stretch for Feet and toes
Here is a great stretch for those runners with sore arches or stiff feet. I find this is a great stretch to help them out. It is a nice...
Road v's treadmill
What is easier on your achilles when running - outside running or the treadmill? If you are a runner - chances are you have experienced...
Do you want to enhance your running performance naturally?
Some thoughts on Running. Remember when you were a kid and you ran everywhere without giving it a second thought. It's further back for...
The Running equation for peak performance training
Most people that know me realise that when it comes to distance running and training, I can talk for hours! From the long run, tempos...
Hydration. Why is it so important.
Our bodies need water, every cell, organ and tissue needs water to function. The amount will vary depending on each persons build and how yo
Sore QL or Lats... This could be the stretch for you
Ever looked in the mirror and seen that one shoulder is higher then the other? Sometimes this is a scoliosis - BUT sometimes this is just...
Activate and reset the shoulders Body and Spine Project Move Better 22
Discover how to reset your shoulder position and relax the upper back and neck with this simple hand movement. Follow this simple arm and...