Do your shoulder blades stick out? Scapula Winging - what is it and what you can do about it?
Did you know that your scapula only has one bony attachment to the rest of your skeleton - and that is your collar bone. Now if you think...

Trouble putting your seatbelt on? Here are 2 exercises that will help.
Infraspinatus This muscle is a triangle shape muscle that sits on top of your shoulder blade and inserts on the top of the arm....

Do you know someone with a Frozen Shoulder
Since its shoulder health month, it would be remiss of me to not mention frozen shoulders (or adhesive capsulitis). Frozen shoulder is a...

How Cupping for Shoulders could be the answer you are looking for.
I love treating shoulders: they are the ultimate muscular balancing act! 4 rotator cuff muscles linking the scapula and the arm, with...