How Cupping for Shoulders could be the answer you are looking for.
I love treating shoulders: they are the ultimate muscular balancing act!

4 rotator cuff muscles linking the scapula and the arm, with supporting roles from your lats and one of your pectoralis muscles. Then throw in muscles which affect the scapular positioning and movement like the traps at the back, levator scapulae attaching to neck and a myriad of muscles attaching to the front of the shoulder make for an interesting time!
Lucky we don’t have to remember to move these muscles singularly and for every movement. We move more by neuromuscular patterning “recipes” in the brain. In other words, we learn “the movement” not the muscular action.

So what if we were to mix myofascial cupping, with a knowledge of the fascial lines in the body and functional movement? The result would be Functional Release Cupping ™ (FRC), an exciting development on a traditional myotherapy treatment. FRC uses the action of the cup and movement to promote a better quantity and quality of movement, with a resounding focus on reducing pain in the area.
Unlike most treatment modalities, FRC is very much active in its approach. After all, how do you restore movement if you don’t move!
So why does FRC work so well with shoulders?

Cupping works at a superficial fascial level, influencing the tension of an area in a subtle, painless manner. Being able to affect the fascia along the lines of functional movement is “where the magic is”.
Combine this with applying cups along an infinite number of spots according to the desired movement restriction and point of pain, and you have one of the most uniquely tailor made effective treatments available to date.
Interested? Give Ash a Call at Body and Spine Solutions on 5310 6259 and he can organise your treatment time, or simply book online @