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Move better, feel better,

function better

through chiropractic.


Start now

Using a modern mix of chiropractic adjusting techniques and specific exercise and movement training to achieve

Lasting Pain Relief , Improved Posture and Function or Increased Sporting Performance.

Your chiropractic  care will be tailored to the result you want.


It all starts with a conversation, a thorough clinical chiropractic exam and a good working plan for treatment.


We know that by the end of your initial visit you want to know:

  • What is wrong?

  • How serious is it?

  • What do you think caused it?

  • How long will it take to get better?

  • Are you doing something that's making it worse?

  • And most importantly - What needs to happen to get it better?​


Call our office today and start feeling better sooner


Or call today- call 5310 6259

"Pain is a call to action, not necessarily an indication of the damage done ".

Let us help you enjoy a quicker recovery

and get you back to moving and feeling well again through chiropractic.





Chiropractor and continual studier of all things back pain related.


Bachelor of Medical Science


Masters of chiropractic


Member of the chiropractic association of Australia


Member of Sports Chiropractic Australia


TPI Certified (Titleist Performance Institute Certified) - Golf specific assessments 


Selective Functional Movement Assessment (sfma) certified


MobilityWOD Movement and mobility specialist 101 certified  - crossfit and weight training


My name is Andrew Blyth - I'm your local Orange Chiropractor and advocate for getting your body moving better to feel better.


I know what it is like to be in pain and unable to do the simple things in life.


That's why I have taken the time to learn not only what i can do to make you feel better, but also how you can make lasting changes to the way you move and feel.


Over the years my wife has been very patient with me, listening to my "exciting" stories of the latest findings in rehab and treatment strategies. More then once she has suggested I find a hobby....... but then again, I am pretty happy helping people.


If, like I did in the past, you find yourself struggling with pain or restriction its important to remember that "Pain is a call to action; not necessarily an indication of the amount of damage done"


So Take Action! - I look forward to meeting you soon.

Chiropractor with Mwod Movement and Mobility Certification Crossit and weightlifting
Only Chiropractor in orange with Titlist Performance Institute Golf Specific Assessments

"Remember - it is not age that causes your lack of flexibility.....it is your lack of movement as you age ".

You can move better, function better and feel better - let us show you how.


BOOK NOW - Call 5310 6259

Why choose Andrew as your local chiropractor in Orange?

Andrew doesn't believe that it is good enough to be sent home from your chiropractor, physiotherapist, doctor or any health professional without a clue to what is wrong and  how you can be an active part of your own care and your own ongoing management.


Life is not much fun when you can't play a round of golf, hang out with friends, go on road trips or holidays without being scared about your how your back will cope. 


This is why Andrew has developed this modern approach to your chiropractic care. After years of personal experience and almost 2 decades of study and working with back pain Andrews approach to your care provides the opportunity to change how you FUNCTION and FEEL.




By the way your care will approach the 4 elements of Mobility, Stability, Movement and Strength that are found with almost all types of back pain and dysfunction


Many sites away from the area of pain are actually involved in creating back pain.


Our approach ensures that we investigate beyond the area of pain to the often overlooked non painful but immobile regions that we know to be a common cause of back pain.


Less pain and better function results.


Exercises to enhance control of joints and movements have to be part of the equation.


But the no pain no gain approach isn't always the answer.


Our research driven exercises target the right areas at the right time.


Knowing how, when and why will keep you in control.


Pain causes you to change the way you move.


Your patterns change and you start compensating by using some muscles more and some muscles less.


Our approach incorporates education in how to move well again and to feel better.


You will be empowered with ways to take back control.


To deal with back pain you already have a certain strength - but we want to change that strength into physical form.


Simple specific exercise and movement patterns can build your strength, restore the robust feeling to your back and get you active again. 


Enjoy losing that fragile feeling that back pain often leads to.

"Chronic back pain changes the way you move, the way you feel and the way you think. It limits the enjoyment of some of the simplest things in life.

Things can change and you can get back control."


Andrew Blyth - your local chiropractor in Orange - Body and Spine Solutions 

How will you choose to benefit from your Chiropractic care?

Most people initially discover the benefits of chiropractic care through their search for an effective means of pain relief.


However, once the benefits of a healthy spine, improved movement and the better function our treatment methods bring - there is a whole world of reasons beyond pain to choose our care.


The choice is yours - as are the benefits.

"The biggest predictor of future back pain is having had previous back pain.

What this tells us is that you need a plan to not only overcome your pain, but to make a change in the way your body is working."


You can move better, function better and feel better - let us show you how.

Body and Spine Solutions

Chiropractic | Massage | Acupuncture

301 Anson Street

Orange NSW 2800, 


Tel: 02 5310 6259


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Discover the joy of moving, feeling and functioning well again.

Body and Spine Solutions

301 Anson Street Orange NSW

5310 6259


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