Glutes - Three ways this muscle can help you feel, perform and look better
Your glutes are in fact a group of three muscles - each with a slightly different role - but all of them are important in keeping you...
Top 5 Mistakes seen during the Glute Bridge
Top 5 mistakes to avoid during your Glute bridges, and how we like to see them done. Happy strong glutes are the key to so many of our...
Myotherapy - More than just a big toolbox
Sports Blog Even though I treat everyone, I probably consider myself as a sport- based therapist. I suppose it comes with the territory...
Power to your core! Read this for: Knee Issues | Pinched Nerve | Back Pain | Shoulder Pain
Introducing the QL Muscle What is QL? QL or quadratus lumborum is a muscle that is deep within the abdomen and is either side of the...
Flu season tips
You hear people say the cold and flu season is upon us but in reality it's always around , we are just more susceptible when the weather...
Lifestyle snippets
Lifestyle Month Its lifestyle month here at Body and Spine Solutions and our Indian Summer continues! I don’t know about you but I have...
Pain = stop? Not always. A little tweak can keep you doing what you love.
“Pain is a signal for change, not a measure of the amount of damage done” This statement and the many variations of it, is one of the...
What is happening to your body. When you are faced with a period of stress your body will release a rush of hormones that elevate your...
The long and short of stretching the adductors
If you feel tight in the hips and even in your hamstrings - you sometimes need to be paying more attention to the Adductor group of...
Avoid the cycling hunchback
If you ride a bike and have found yourself concerned with your posture - then read on…. Cycling is a very popular sport - it keeps you...