How a Functional Movement Screen can improve your form.
Strength Strength training is one of the core parts of overall fitness training. Pretty much every activity we do has an element of...

How to get the most from your Hip Flexor stretch
Don't hurt your back by doing hip stretches incorrectly. Control of your low back and pelvis position is required to keep you back safe

What are the three R's for knee health
In my last blog I mentioned a few muscles which can contribute to knee pain. But how are they treated, and how do work out what the pain...

How to fix your Dickie Knee
Runners knee or that Dickie knee [if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t"...

Lifestyle snippets
Lifestyle Month Its lifestyle month here at Body and Spine Solutions and our Indian Summer continues! I don’t know about you but I have...

Pain = stop? Not always. A little tweak can keep you doing what you love.
“Pain is a signal for change, not a measure of the amount of damage done” This statement and the many variations of it, is one of the...

What is happening to your body. When you are faced with a period of stress your body will release a rush of hormones that elevate your...

Avoid the cycling hunchback
If you ride a bike and have found yourself concerned with your posture - then read on…. Cycling is a very popular sport - it keeps you...

The ABC's of the ITB
Iliotibial band syndrome ITBS The iliotibial band ITB is the long ligament that runs from the hip to the knee, it is designed to help...

The Running equation for peak performance training
Most people that know me realise that when it comes to distance running and training, I can talk for hours! From the long run, tempos...